Might and Magic GrayFace
GrayFace MM6 Patch v2.5.7
GrayFace MM6 Patch is an unofficial patch for MM6. It includes Mok's patch and Angel's patch. In addition to features like "Always Run" and "Flip On Exit" it adds quick saves, changing controls, playing MP3 tracks, double speed mode, mouse look and so on. It should run on new Windows versions without any problems (no need to set compatibility with Win 9x).Full list of changes
- Patch for English version of the game
Install on any version of the game. All changes are included.
Patch for Russian localization by Buka
Устанавливайте на любую версию от Буки. Включает в себя изменения всех патчей.
- Patch for other localized versions of the game
In this case it's recommended that you install official patches 1.1 and 1.2 first due to changes they make in TXT files.
- Mouse Look keys settings
The settings I use for mouse look.
MM6 Controls v1.1
MM6 Controls is a tool to set up keys for MM6. It changes [Controls] section in mm6.ini of my patch. It also shows key codes which you can use to configure the patches.GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.5.7
GrayFace MM7 Patch is an unofficial patch for MM7. Is includes Mok's patch. Adds quick saves, playing MP3 tracks, double speed mode, mouse look and so on. It should run on new Windows versions without any problems (no need to set compatibility with Win 9x).Full list of changes
- Patch for English version of the game
Install on any version of the game. All changes are included.
Patch for Russian localization by Buka
Устанавливайте на любую версию от Буки. Включает в себя изменения всех патчей.
- Patch for other localized versions of the game
In this case it's recommended that you install official patch 1.1 first due to changes it makes in TXT files.
- Mouse Look keys settings
The settings I use for mouse look.
GrayFace MM8 Patch v2.5.7
GrayFace MM8 Patch is an unofficial patch for MM8. Is includes Mok's patch. Adds quick saves, playing MP3 tracks, double speed mode, mouse look and so on. It should run on new Windows versions without any problems (no need to set compatibility with Win 9x).Full list of changes
- Patch for any version of the game
Install on any version of the game. All changes are included.
- Mouse Look keys settings
The settings I use for mouse look.
Skill Teachers Patch for MM8
This patch makes skill teachers list in Autonotes more functional. If you have GrayFace MM8 Patch installed, just extract archive contents into your MM8 directory. Otherwise, add autonotes.txt from the archive into your EnglishT.lod using MMArchive.English version
Russian version by SVShu
Polish version by majaczek
MM8 Choose Party
These scripts let you choose your party on game start. You can choose party of any size and it can include dragons, too. Requires MMExtension and my patch for MM8. ScreenshotMM6 Upscaled Textures
Upscaled x2 sprites and textures for MM6 and a script to make it work. Requires MMExtension. Screenshots: before, afterGame Mechanics
Some unobvious aspects of game mechanics are described here.MMExtension v2.2 + MMEditor v2.1
MMExtension is a rich modding environment for MM6-8. It features a complete level editor, uses Lua scripting language, lets you use all commands of internal M&M scripts language (evt commands) and lets you do a lot of other things. Must have for modders! After the first run of an MM game you can also edit some tables in Data\Tables folder. For example, you can change stats and available skills of classes.MMArchive v1.3.1
Fully-featured M&M and Heroes 3 archives editor. Supports all archive types except ".hwl".LodTool v1.0
Script-based command-line tool for working with Might and Magic and Heroes 3 archives.
LodMerge v1.1.1
Command line tool that lets you merge two lod/vid/snd archives together. Source code (Delphi 2006)Txt Edit v1.4.1
Txt tables editor for Heroes 3 and M&M.RSBinkPlayer v1.2.5
Convenient .bik and .smk player. Can show Heroes 3 videos.Fnt Editor
An old program for editing Heroes 3 and M&M fonts.Links
The Chaos Conspiracy mod for MM6
The Chaos Conspiracy (TCC) is a huge mod for MM6 in two parts. It has its own new story, monsters and even outdoor maps (in part 2). Made by BDJ, Vladimir-Maestro, Jeff and Hodge Podge. I also took a small part.MM7Rev4Mod
MM7Rev4Mod is a big mod for MM7 made by BDJ before TCC. It changes characteristics of monsters and items, adds a lot of new quests, but still keeps many old ones. Pascal aka Asterix15 contributed graphics of some items. To install, extract the contents of this archive into your Data folder and delete new.lod file. This version requires my patch. I've also included a fix for a bug in the stonehenge quest.Maestro Mod for MM7
Based on Rev4 Mod. The game is rebalanced, there are many changes in graphics and a few in quests.Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on MM8 engine
Start on any continent with a party of corresponding classes, travel to other continents and face monsters with boosted strenght on them. In particular, it's a great way to play through MM6 story with HD resolution. I only briefly tried it out though.Files from BDJ's site
Since Big Daddy Jim's site no longer exists, here are some files that I've saved from it.Modding Tools
Classic M&M editing tools are mm8leveleditor and MM7View.With MM Map Viewer you can view M&M maps and properties of their elements.
mmarch is a command-line tool based on my MM archives support classes, capable of performing many operations.